Marching Highland Cavaliers
The Marching Highland Cavaliers were formed in 2006. The band began with 25 dedicated members, five of which were students from local high schools. From those humble beginnings the Marching Cavs have become a fixture on the UVA Wise campus. The band performs for all home football games and also performs at local and regional band contests. Membership is open to anyone who plays a traditional band instrument, spins a flag or tosses a baton. Rehearsals are kept to a minimum so as not to interfere with class schedules. The focus of the Marching Highland Cavaliers is to support our athletic teams, bring an atmosphere of spirit to the UVA Wise campus and to have fun. Mountain Empire Community College students are encouraged to be a part of the band as well.
Membership in the band is made up of not only music majors but all disciplines on the UVA Wise campus. There are no auditions for winds and percussion players but guard and majorettes will have to perform a short audition. Auditions will be held in late March or early April. Contact Director of Bands, Richard Galyean to arrange an audition time.
Collaboration with the Community
The Marching Cavaliers are proud to cooperate with bands throughout our region. We have been recognized on several occasions by local high school bands for their support and assistance. Recognition has come from the J.J. Kelly Band, the Union HS Band and the Central HS bands.