Showing 24 of 34 results
Alex Cable
Media Services Technician
Information Technology
A. Bruce Cahoon
Buchanan Endowed Chair of Biology
Department of Natural Sciences
Don Calton
Educational-Systems Engineer
Information Technology
Harley Carico
Grounds Worker
Facilities Management
Sarah Smith Carlson
Director of the Ely Health & Wellness Center
Student Affairs
Johnnie Carrico
Nurse Practitioner
Student Health Services
John Carter
Construction Planning & Management
Finance & Operations
Karen Carter
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Anthony Cashio
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Department of History & Philosophy
Miranda Cashio
Instructor of Nursing
Department of Nursing
Mitzi Cassell
CTE Admissions Coordinator
Center for Teaching Excellence
Gina Chisenhall
Director of Gift Accounting
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Amy D. Clark
Professor of Communication and Appalachian Studies
Department of Communication Studies
Mark Clark
Kenneth Asbury Professor of History
Department of History & Philosophy
Rachel Clay-Keohane
Instructor in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Becca Clippard
Senior Administrative Assistant for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Jamie Cluesman
Head Women's Basketball Coach
Jenny Collins
Adjunct Instructor of Woodwinds
Department of Visual & Performing Arts
Kelli Collins
Library Specialist: Acquisitions and Fiscal Manager
Sabra Collins
Admissions Operations Assistant
CPT Juan Colon
Assistant Professor of Military Science
Issabella Colón
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Residence Life