The Center for Educational Excellence and Innovation

The Center for Educational Excellence and Innovation, CEEI, is dedicated to inspiring, enhancing, and advancing educational excellence and innovation in teaching, service, scholarship and academic life at UVA Wise.  

new faculty enjoying a play
New Faculty and Mentors enjoying a night at the Barter Theater in Fall 2024.

Faculty Development includes a range of activities and programs led by faculty experts designed to improve faculty retention, job satisfaction, and expertise, which directly impact student experiences at UVA Wise. Although faculty are experts in their discipline field, most faculty do not have training or experience in learning theory, educational pedagogy, national best practices in teaching, or in the many other demands of full-time faculty positions. CEEI was created to fill this gap by providing support and instruction at every level of faculty development. 

CEEI develops and promotes teaching and learning resources, professional development workshops, Faculty Learning Communities (small multidisciplinary study groups that offer an extended focus on an advanced topic), and community-building activities to spotlight UVA Wise faculty excellence, promote research-driven national best practices, introduce new pedagogy and practices, and nurture deep reflection and cross-disciplinary connection around teaching and learning at UVA Wise.

Faculty participants in CEEI are engaging in professional development well beyond the expectation of traditional service obligations. They develop College-wide resources, lead workshops, and year-long reflective multidisciplinary discussions, and learn, test, and share experiences with best national practices and innovative new ideas. They commit hours of their time, boundless enthusiasm, and significant expertise to improve teaching, service, and scholarship at UVA Wise. 

In 2023-2024, CEEI successfully planned and promoted 11 Teaching Workshops, 12 Professional Development workshops, 8 Faculty Learning Communities, and 4 community-building events. There were more than 32 faculty presenters, a 23% increase, and a total of 208 participants, a 49% growth in attendance. 

The program is assessed with an annual program review sent to all Faculty.  Faculty responders in workshops report an average satisfaction rating of 92% Very Satisfied and 8% Satisfied on all CEEI programs. Faculty Learning Communities rate an even higher 98% very satisfied participants.

Programs and Workshops at CEEI

CEEI is happy to offer the following NEW programs and workshops for Fall 2024: a Promotion Learning Community, a Freshman Teaching Learning Community and workshops on Grant Basics, Improving Your Teaching Voice with Hannah Ryan, and a Book Club on Improving Class Discussion.  

In addition, we welcome back the New Faculty Learning Community, Tenure Learning Community, and the Master Teacher Learning Community. 

Workshop Descriptions 

Click above to read descriptions of workshops. 

Calendar Coming Soon!

Want to offer a workshop?

If you would like to offer a workshop to help develop college-wide teaching or professional development, please send your workshop title, a brief description, and proposed dates to Emily at at least 30 days before the anticipated workshop. 

Programs: Faculty Learning Communities

Click above to read more about our current and past Faculty Learning Communities.

Resources for Teaching, Service, and Scholarship 

Resources for Teaching, Service, and Scholarship

Click above to access the CEEI Resource page with updated Academic Affairs policies and a variety of recorded workshops, handouts, videos, podcasts, and other materials developed by our own faculty and from national experts to help you with any questions you may face in teaching, service, and scholarship.

Don't see something you need?  

Email Emily Dotson at to request a workshop or event.

Have a Question or Need Individual Attention?

Email CEEI Director 

The Director, Emily Dotson, is a tenured Associate Professor in Language and Literature.  She has thirty years of teaching experience and has won multiple awards for teaching and service at UVA Wise, Midway College, and the University of Kentucky.  She maintains an active research agenda in two disciplinary fields. 

She is always happy to meet privately to discuss your pedagogical philosophy, solve a teaching challenge, or brainstorm ways to live a more meaningful and engaged faculty life. She is also happy to observe your class and provide feedback or survey your students at any point in the semester. 

Frequently Asked Questions About CEEI

What are CEEI workshops like? 

 In 2022-2023, CEEI hosted 85 workshops with twenty-six faculty presenters and over 150 participants.

CEEI workshops on teaching or professional development allow faculty to drop in for a 40-minute presentation with a ten-minute Q&A on a specific topic.  

Faculty Learning Communities offer a series of collaborative multidisciplinary conversations with colleagues in fifty-minute meetings held regularly over an entire academic year. 

Most workshops and Faculty Learning Communities are led by a campus expert on the topic. 

CEEI promotes UVA CTE and other off-campus events open to us or when the host institution is no more than an hour from Wise.

When registration is required in advance, this information will be listed in the workshop description on the calendar page. 

Who can attend a workshop or event?

CEEI workshops are free and open to anyone in a full or part-time teaching position at UVA Wise. 

While some CEEI workshops are open to faculty and staff, CEEI is not connected to Human Resources, so CEEI cannot offer workshops or resources targeted to staff development or involving HR concerns. We encourage you to send any requests for staff development and all Human Resource issues to the Director of Human Resources, Stephanie Perry.  See more information about UVA Wise Human Resources.

How do I find out about upcoming CEEI workshops or events?

Workshops are advertised on the faculty listserv and updated on the calendar on this site monthly. Significant notice may not always be possible with events scheduled and promoted by other Colleges, organizations, or people.  

Please check your email for updates or changes to dates/times/ locations, or email Emily at to confirm events.

Where are CEEI workshops held? 

Because we are an in-person campus, all CEEI workshops are on campus in the CEEI Center, 230 Smiddy Hall, and in person unless otherwise stated.  

Can I attend remotely or watch a recorded workshop? 

Zoom participation is possible at most workshops if you request this in advance. 

CEEI makes every attempt to record and post our events. However, please be aware that events hosted by someone other than the Director may not be recorded as the presenter always has the final say in whether their talk or workshop will be recorded or made publicly available. 

Recorded workshops are made public on the CEEI Resources page.

Where can I find info about past events or workshops?

The description of all of this academic year's workshops can be found on the calendar.

Learn about workshops and events from a prior year at: 

Fall 2021-Spring 2022 Report

Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Report

Who is the Director of CEEI, what do they do, and to whom do they report?

The Director of CEEI is Emily Dotson, a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Literature. See her bio at

The CEEI Director is a member of Academic Affairs and reports to the Dean of Faculty Affairs and the Provost.

CEEI Director Job Description at

CEEI Mentor of the Year Award

CEEI is proud to offer one award annually for exceptional faculty mentoring at UVA Wise. This person has shown exemplary connected and collegial service to others and served as a model of the teaching, service, scholarship and academic life we imagine in the very finest of UVA Wise faculty.  


Winner of the 2023-2024 CEEI Mentor of the Year Award
Karen Carter, Associate Professor of Computer Science

Karen Carter - Associate Professor Information Systems - The University of  Virginia's College at Wise | LinkedIn

Winner of the 2022-2023 CEEI Mentor of the Year Award
Christa Moore, Associate Professor of Sociology

Image shows a smiling woman with long red hair and glasses wearing a black sweater


Winner of the 2021-2022 CEEI Mentor of the Year Award
Elizabeth Dotson Shupe, Assistant Professor of Education

photo of smiling woman with dark hair wearing a green shirt


CEEI proudly salutes the Academic Affairs Faculty Award Winners for 2023-2024



Contact Emily Dotson for more information.