Greek Life

Make new friends, gain student leadership experience and get involved with on and off-campus service and volunteer opportunities through Greek Life at UVA Wise.

Being a member of the Greek community at UVA Wise means more than just wearing letters. It means you are dedicated to sisterhood or brotherhood, academic excellence, community service, leadership, and campus service. It means you belong to an organization of friends who are there to support, encourage, and travel this journey through UVA Wise and beyond with you.

Members of the Greek community impact the campus in many different ways. You will find that fraternity and sorority leaders also serve as leaders and members of UVA Wise clubs and organizations, such as the Student Government Association, Honor Court, cheerleaders, band, Student Activities Board, Residence Hall Association, honor societies, and more!

Fraternity Life
Learn more about fraternity life at UVA Wise.
Sorority Life
Learn more about sorority life at UVA Wise.
How to Join
Find our more about how to join a fraternity or sorority.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of joining a Greek organization?

Part of the mission of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise is to provide a superior liberal arts education, attending not only to their intellectual growth but also to a student’s development as adults committed to high ethical standards and full participation as leaders in their communities.  A positive fraternal experience provides students with a complement to their academics at UVA Wise and attends to their development as adults, by providing them with study groups, values-based programming, service opportunities, leadership positions, social outlets, lifelong friendships and a career network. Most fraternal organizations seek to uphold the tenets of scholarship, leadership, service, and brotherhood or sisterhood. These values-based organizations challenge their members to instill these principles into their own lives through their activities and interaction with their collegiate brothers or sisters, and alumni

What Greek chapters are recognized by UVA Wise?

UVA Wise currently recognizes two chapters on our campus. Each recognized chapter is affiliated with a national or international organization that provides support and guidance for local chapters.

When is Recruitment/Intake and how does it work?

Formal Recruitment takes place at the beginning of the fall and spring semester each year. Recruitment is comprised of rounds where potential new members visit all the chapters. Through a process of mutual selection, students narrow their choices each round until they finally select a chapter by the last night.

How does the new membership process work?

Most chapters have a period of time, not to exceed ten weeks, and to be completed one week prior to finals, where their newest members are exposed to the history, traditions, and values of the organization. New members will typically be involved in leadership retreats.


The mission of the Office of Greek Life is to cultivate a community of excellence among the fraternities and sororities at UVA Wise with a focus on outstanding academic achievement, civic responsibility and service, inclusiveness, fellowship, and responsible decision-making that requires and expects the highest standards of integrity and ethics from all members and organizations. We strive to maximize the positive impact of Greek Life on-campus, in the community, and throughout the world at-large through a dedication to philanthropy and the personal growth and contributions of our members.